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King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now

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King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now Empty King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now

Post by Socialgames NR.2 Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:13 pm

Hey guys today i will be talking about the Red Dragon Archfiend turbo archetype which focuses on summoning the best Red Dragon Archfiend synchros as soon as possible.With the new support they are better in every way and they can quickly bring out their monsters.Allthough its a very powerfull deck it has many of its drawbacks,because the synchros from level 9 are very hard to summon.The monsters that are usually in this archetypes are 

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 117?cb=20151002081355Red Sprinter ----- Red Sprinter is a Level 4 Fiend/Fire Attribute Monster.It has the effect stated below:
When this card is Normal or Special Summoned while you control no other monsters:You can special summon 1 level 3 or lower Fiend-Type Tuner monster from your Hand or Graveyard.You can only use this effect of Red Sprinter once per turn.

As you can see Red sprinter enables Synchros fast because It summons tuners from the Hand or The Graveyard.Its effect can be game-changing because synchros are very powerfull and this enables the fast summon of them.It goes well with the Resonator cards and Jet synchron.His effect is very good at enabling fast turbo summons which this deck really needs.

- Level 4 Monster
- Has a Summoning effect
- Special Summons from the Hand and Graveyard
- Has its effect nullified by Solemn Warning
- His effect can be activated only once per turn
- His attack means that once he is summoned he can be banished by the trap Bottomless Trap Hole.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 120?cb=20151001203959Red Resonator ------ Red Resonator is a Level 2 Fiend/Fire Attribute Tuner Monster. It has the effect stated below:

When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your hand.When this card is Special Summoned: You can target 1 face-up monster on the field, gain LP equal to its ATK.You can only use this effect of Red Resonator once per turn.

Red Resonator is a tuner that lets Synchroing be alot more easier.The reason i say that is because of his effect of special summoning.It can let you Special Summon Red Sprinter which would eventually result in a Synchro Summon due to It being a tuner.His other effect is quite the Healer.When this card is Special Summoned you can target 1 monster in your side of the field and gain health equal to its ATK.

- Level 2 Monster
- Has a Summoning effect
- Goes well with the card Red Sprinter
- Has its effect nullified by Solemn Warning
- Only his 2nd effect can be activated once per turn
- If you find a way to normal summon duplicate Red Resonators you will be able to summon 4 monsters if thats what you have in your hand.
- He is a very great and is a need card on Red Archfiend decks.

 King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 119?cb=20101117053611------Creation Resonator is a Level 3 Fiend/Wind Attribute Tuner Monster.It has the effect stated below:

If you control a Level 8 or higher Synchro Monster,you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).

There is not much to talk about Creation Resonator.Its effect is little but determing.Im not gonna list some occasions because i do not want to but i want to talk about It in general.While you control level 8 or higher Synchro Monster which the Main archfiend synchros are,you can Special Summon this card.This card is really special because it enables you to summon Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity easier,The most strongest card in the Red Archfiend deck.

- Speeds up the synchro summons
- Level 3 Monster.
- Effect that is nullified by Solemn Warning
- Low Points of ATK and DEF.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 120?cb=20151001204034--------Chain Resonator is a Level 1 Fiend/Light Attribute Tuner Monster.He has the effect stated below:

When this card is Normal Summoned while a Synchro Monster is on the field: You can Special Summon 1 Resonator monster from your Deck, except Chain Resonator.

This monster is a miracle to Red Archfiend Decks.Not only is It a tuner but It allows Special Summoning from Deck which is quite amazing when wanting to pull out Synchro Summon of high level caliber.However this can only be achieved by having a synchro monster in the  field so be careful.

- Level 1 Monster
- Can bring out Monsters from Deck
- Needs to have a synchro to activate its effect.
- Is very important for the deck

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 120?cb=20151001204023-------Synkron Resonator is a Level 1 Fiend/Dark Attribute Monster.It has the effect stated below:

If a Synchro Monster is on the field, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon Synkron Resonator once per turn this way. If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can target 1 Resonator monster in your Graveyard, except Synkron Resonator; add it to your hand.

Its effect says that if there is a Synchro Monster on the field you can Special Summon it from your hand.Its other effect says that if it is sent to the graveyard in a way you can take one Resonator from the grave except Synkron Resonator. So it recycles the grave and allows Resonators to synchro summon more.

- Level 1 Monster
- Really great Tuner
- Lets Synchro Summoning in this deck be Easier.



There is not much to say about the spell cards the Red Archfiend archetype only has 4 spells

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 120?cb=20110510182059------Resonator Call is a Normal Spell Card that has the effect:

Add 1 Resonator monster from your Deck to your Hand

This card is the search engine of the archetypes allowing searches of various tuners such as Synkron Resonator,Creation Resonator,Chain Resonator etc etc.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 120?cb=20110211005008-------Resonator Engine is a Normal Spell Card that has the effect:

Target 2 Resonator monsters in your Graveyard; add 1 Level 4 monster from your Deck to your hand, and if you do, return those targets to the Deck.

This card is very good for recycling the Resonator monsters and for getting cards from deck.It gets Level 4 monsters one of which is Red Sprinter.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 120?cb=20110510181722-------Scarlet Security is a Normal Spell Card that has the effect:

If you control a Red Dragon Archfiend : Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards your opponent controls.

This is a card that can be activated only if you have a Red Dragon Archfiend so its really important to have a Red Dragon Archfiend in your Extra Deck.This disposes of all the Spell/Trap cards on the opponents side of the field so you have a free attack without having to worry  about anything getting in your way.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 120?cb=20110511075141&format=webp-------Red Dragon Vase is a Normal Spell Card that has the effect:

If you control a Red Dragon Archfiend : Draw 2 cards. You cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters the turn you activate this card, and until the end of your opponent's turn after this card is activated.

This card is not prefered in the Red Dragon Archfiend Archetype due to its effect to not Normal Summon or Special Summon Monsters during the turn you activate it so it is not that good.On the bright side though it lets you draw two cards which is very nice.


Traps are very important for the Red Eyes Dragon Archfiend Archetype and these are the Traps that are accesible in the Red Dragon Archfiend Archetype.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 120?cb=20151001204256--------Red Cocoon is a Normal Trap Card that states the effect below:

Target 1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster you control; equip this card to it. While it is battling an opponent's monster, until the end of the Damage Step, negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent controls. During the End Phase, if this card is in the Graveyard because it was sent there this turn: You can target 1 "Red Dragon Archfiend" in your Graveyard; Special Summon it.

Basically what this card does is that it targets a Dragon type Synchro monster and equips itself to it and with it while the monster is attacking it negates opponents monsters effects which is pretty huge.It secondary effect is also pretty big due to the fact it revives a Red Dragon Archfiend Synchro once it has been sent to the graveyard.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 120?cb=20110510183054-----------Red Carpet is a Normal Trap Card that states the effect below:

If a Dragon-Type Synchro Monster is on the field: Target up to 2 Resonator monsters in your Graveyard; Special Summon them.

Basically what this card does is that if a Dragon Type Synchro Monster is on the field you can Special Summon 1 or 2 Resonator(s) from your graveyard.And since this archetype focuses on Synchro Dragons,it is very usefull.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 118?cb=20101210104208-------Red Screen is a Continous Trap Card that has the effect:

Your opponent's monsters cannot declare attacks. During each of your End Phases, you must pay 1000 LP (this is not optional), or this card is destroyed. You can target 1 Level 1 Tuner monster in your Graveyard; destroy this card, and if you do, Special Summon that target. Red Dragon Archfiend must be on the field to activate and to resolve this effect.

Basically this card prevents your opponents attacks but at the cost of 1000 Life Points(You dont have to pay them but if you dont the card is destroyed).If you have a Level 1 Tuner in your graveyard you can destroy Red Screen and Special Summon that Tuner.You must have Red Dragon Arcxhfiend in your Field to do this though.

                                                                 Archetype Synchro Monsters

The Red Dragon Archfiend Archetype has increased in Numbers with Synchro Summons.The Monsters that i am going to be talking about are:

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 120?cb=20150702142251-------Red Dragon Archfiend is a Level 8 Dragon/Dark Attribute Monster that has the effect stated below:

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
After damage calculation, if this card attacks a Defense Position monster your opponent controls: Destroy all Defense Position monsters your opponent controls. During your End Phase: Destroy all other monsters you control that did not declare an attack this turn. This card must be face-up on the field to activate and to resolve this effect.

Its summoning condition is pretty easy to pull off,and his attack stat is very amazing.Its effect isnt quite appealing but it is pretty good.Its effect is that after this card attacks it destroys all defense position monsters that your opponent controls.Its other effect isnt quite appealing because if you didnt declare an attack with your other monsters then they are dead.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 118?cb=20151002081443-------Hot Red Dragon Archfiend is a Level 8 Dragon/Dark Attribute Synchro Monster.He has the effect stated below:

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1: You can destroy all other face-up Attack Position monsters on the field. Monsters other than this card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.

Hot Red Dragon Archfiend is a different Red Dragon Archfiend with his effect being that it can destroy Attack Position monsters not Defense Position Monsters like his counterpart Red Dragon Archfiend.This is very good for destroying monsters that have more attack than this card and can enable it to attack directly.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 121?cb=20101031023424--------Red Nova Dragon is a Level 12 Dragon/Dark Attribute Monster.It has the effect stated below:

2 Tuners + Red Dragon Archfiend

This card gains 500 ATK for each Tuner monster in your Graveyard. Cannot be destroyed by an opponent's card effects. When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can target the attacking monster; banish this card, and if you do, negate that attack. During the next End Phase: Special Summon this card banished by this effect.

This Dragon has a pretty tough summoning condition but in a Red Dragon Archfiend Archetype its not quite that hard to pull off.Its first effect says that it gains 500 ATK points for each tuner in the graveyard so by summoning it it gains 1000 ATK points right off the bat.Its second effect says that it cannot be destroyed by opponents card effects but it still can be banished so watch out for banishing effects.Its 3rd and final effect says that if an opponents monster attacks then it can banish itself to negate the attack.It is summoned on the next End Phase which is more likely to be on your End Phase so it stays in the field.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 120?cb=20151006160814---------Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend is a Level 8 Dragon/Dark Attribute Synchro Monster.It has the effect stated below:

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
This card's name becomes Red Dragon Archfiend while it is on the field or in the Graveyard. Once per turn: You can destroy as many Special Summoned Effect Monsters on the field as possible with ATK less than or equal to this card's (other than this card), then inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each monster destroyed.

This is the 3rd counterpart of Red Dragon Archfiend.Its first effect is that its name becomes Red Dragon Archfiend while it is in the graveyard so it can be Special Summoned by Red Cocoon.Its other effect is that it can destroy as many as Special Summoned Effect Monsters with the attack 3000 or less and can inflict 500 damage for each monster that it destroys.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 118?cb=20151001205646--------Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss is a Level 9 Dragon/Dark Attribute Synchro Monster.It has the effect stated below:

1 Tuner + 1 non-Tuner DARK Dragon-Type Synchro Monster

During either player's turn: You can target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; negate its effects until the end of this turn. When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent: You can target 1 Tuner monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it in Defense Position. You can only use each effect of "Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss" once per turn.

Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss is very hard to summon and can only be done so by synchroing a Level 1 Tuner and a Red Dragon Archfiend.Its first effect is that it can negate the effect of any opponents' monsters on the field during both turns.Its other effect is that when it does damage you can summon a Tuner monster from your graveyard which is very important and allows for further Synchro Summons.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 117?cb=20151002081931-------Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane is a Level 10 Dragon/Dark Synchro Monster:It has the effect stated below:

1 Tuner + 1 non-Tuner DARK Dragon-Type Synchro Monster

You can Tribute 1 monster, then target 1 "Red Dragon Archfiend" monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it. When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent: You can Special Summon 2 Tuner monsters with the same Level (1 from your Deck and 1 from your Graveyard) in Defense Position. You can only use each effect of "Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane" once per turn.

This cards first effect can be used to summon a Red Dragon Archfiend monster by tributing a monster in the field.Its second effect is that when Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane inflicts damage it can summon 2 Tuner Monsters that speeds up Synchro Summons.

King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now 119?cb=20150812090738--------Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity is a Level 12 Dragon/Dark Attribute Synchro Monster.It has the effect stated below:

2 Tuners + 1 non-Tuner DARK Dragon-Type Synchro Monster

When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can activate this effect; your opponent cannot activate cards or effects on the field for the rest of this turn. Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to this effect's activation. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK. If this card in its owner's possession is destroyed by your opponent (by battle or card effect): You can target 1 Level 8 or lower DARK Dragon-Type Synchro Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it.

This card is the most powerfull Card in the Red Dragon Archfiend archetype.It has a very hard summoning condition but when you summon it it is worth it.When it is summoned it has an unnegateful effect that blocks your opponent from activating anything.Its second effect is that if it destroys a monster in battle it can inflict the opponent with the opposing monsters ATK points.Its third and final effect states that when it is destroyed under your possesion it can Special Summon a Level 8 or lower Dark Dragon Type monster which is Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend,Red Dragon Archfiend and Hot Red Dragon Archfiend from the graveyard.

Its playstyle is very offensive go big or go home basically there is not much else to add.


Socialgames NR.2
Socialgames NR.2

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Join date : 2014-12-01

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King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now Empty Re: King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now

Post by Socialgames NR.2 Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:54 pm

Socialgames NR.2
Socialgames NR.2

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King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now Empty Re: King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now

Post by vequest86 Sun Jan 10, 2016 4:36 pm

dont beat yourself up for it since i found my data at the wiki.

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King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now Empty Re: King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now

Post by Lux Sun Jan 10, 2016 4:46 pm

Alright social I'll edit that as soon as possible.

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King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now Empty Re: King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now

Post by Socialgames NR.2 Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:39 am

vequest86 wrote:dont beat yourself up for it since i found my data at the wiki.
I was mad but other than that i didnt care much also lux thanks.
Socialgames NR.2
Socialgames NR.2

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King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now Empty Re: King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now

Post by Syrus Truesdale Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:30 pm

Why do you feel the need to use colored font
Syrus Truesdale
Syrus Truesdale

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King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now Empty Re: King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now

Post by Socialgames NR.2 Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:49 pm

It just looks prettier and more attractive to read thats why.
Socialgames NR.2
Socialgames NR.2

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King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now Empty Re: King Atlas!.Come forth,Reddo Demons Durakkon!!!.(It has been finished you can look now

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