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Immortal Fire test results

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Immortal Fire test results Empty Immortal Fire test results

Post by Injustice_Batman Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:22 pm

Tester Deck- Blackwings
Testee Deck- Elemental hero and neo spacians

Results of the Duel- 0/15

Control of the Field-2/15
Even running a elemental hero deck you had kept putting monsters in def in g1 and g2 and just couldnt control the field with even one of his fusions.

Main Deck Build- 3/10
You had a combination of elemental heroes, neo spacians and even the timegazer and stargazer pends. Furthermore, the trap and spell line up was not that good and random magic cylinder and axe of despair just don't do in today's yugioh. I would recommend to remove the weak heroes such as avian, burstrinatrix, necroshade, bladeedge or ice edge or even neos somehow and all neo spacians and put in some mask change support.

Extra Deck- 6/10
I cant say it was a standard ehero extra deck with all those neo spacian support but you have got to run more useful heroes such as shinning, zero with more than 1 copy and remove all the fusions requiring weak heroes and neo spacians as they are just taking up space. Maybe add in useful rank 4 xyz after you improvise the deck.

Concentration- 5/5
Didn't get distracted.

One major misplay was attacking with shining(2600 atk) on shura with a revealed kalut in my hand which i added with pintata.

Card/Ruling Knowledge- 5/10
Couldn't understand oroshi's position changing effect even on reading the card. You were also constantly asking what to do when i activated my cards effect and maybe you did bother reading the card but couldn't understand it.

Side Deck-0/10
Side deck consisted of a fusion gate and the 5 exodia parts, so no comments.
Just google a side deck appropriate for your deck.

Explained above so potentially, no threatening siding done.

Sportsmanship- 5/5
Was polite and even ignored my bad typo Surprised

Total- 31/100

Slifer Red : 0-59 <===

Ra Yellow : 60-89

Obelisk Blue : 90-99

To test for Horakhty you need to have a perfect score which is 100/100 or have bought a retest and obtain a score of at least 95/100

Congratualtions You Made It To: Slifer red

Welcome to GDA and hope you enjoy your stay here and improve your skills further.

Posts : 44
Join date : 2014-09-01

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Immortal Fire test results Empty Re: Immortal Fire test results

Post by Clocky Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:24 pm

You will improve, welcome to GDA Smile

Posts : 1596
Join date : 2015-01-24

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